Child welfare | Children or families in need | Drug & alcohol addiction | Finances

Child welfare

Barnardo's works with the most vulnerable children and young people in their homes, schools and communities, helping them transform their lives and fulfil their potential.

Children 1st Scotland
Works to give every child in Scotland a safe and secure childhood.

Specialises in child protection and the prevention of cruelty to children

Children or families in need

4 children
Believes that all children and their parents should get the support they need in their community - starting from the early years, through to their out of school and teenage years.

Action for Prisoners' Families
Action for Prisoners' Families (APF) is the national organisation acting as the voice for the concerns of prisoners' families across the UK. They also run a helpline for families.

Free national helpline for children in trouble or danger. Provides 24 hour confidential counselling service. Visit website or call 0800 11 11

The Children's Society
Works with and for children to help them deal with life's harshest challenges.

Drug & alcohol addiction

Provides support and information to family and friends of drug and alcohol users. Includes a search facility for UK support groups and helplines.


Home Heat helpline
Gives advice and information on reducing fuel bills and details on how to access grants and benefits.

Helps people access the money available to them - through welfare benefits, grants and other help.

Offers free, impartial debt advice to anyone in the UK experiencing financial problems. They also have a free online debt advice service – Debt Remedy.