For nearly 50 years Home-Start has delivered face-to-face support in the family home. When COVID-19 hit, Home-Start had to rapidly  adapt the way it supports families. Susan, a volunteer with Home-Start Erewash, talks about what motivated her to become a Home-Start volunteer and gives us an insight into what a typical week looked like for her during the pandemic.

“I’ve got two boys and I was a single mum for 11 years. It was tough emotionally, practically and financially - even with a supportive, loving family close by. Without that support life would have been so much harder. One of the very special things about being a Home-Start volunteer is that the support we give to each family is unique and depends entirely on their circumstances.

I’m pleased we were able to adapt during the pandemic, so we could continue to help families. I currently support two mums. I offer them reliability and they know they have someone they can depend on".


Just before lunch I message one of the mum’s I support. I always send her a message on a Monday to check she is okay and if she needs anything. She replies to say she’s had a terrible night’s sleep and that she is worried about her daughter’s development. I arrange to video call her once she’s given the kids lunch.

In normal pre-COVID times, I’d visit families in their homes once a week. Home visits usually last anywhere between one to three hours. I’d always start the visit by asking what I can do to help. Some mums might ask me to help them tidy up, or play with the baby while they take a shower, or they may want to just talk.

I make my husband and me soup and then set-up my computer to call mum. We chat about her daughter’s lack of speech and I signpost her to where she can access further support. We chat about her daughter’s sleeping and I share some of the things that worked for me when my boys were little.


I go to the supermarket to pick up my shopping and spot a mum I’d previously supported. We have a chat. It’s lovely to see how happy she is. Last year she left an abusive relationship and was struggling financially. I helped her create a family budget so she could better manage the bills. I used to work in a bank so I’m very familiar with budgets.

Once we had sorted out her finances she said she felt like a huge weight had been lifted. By the looks of her today, she is thriving. I compliment her on how happy she and the kids look. I always try to give a lot of praise and encouragement to my mums. Sadly many of them don’t seem familiar with praise from anyone in their lives, so providing encouragement is very important.


I wake up to a text from a mum I support. She is worried she hasn’t got any credit left for her electricity. Immediately I call my supervisor and ask if she can arrange for an emergency payment for her electricity meter. It’s arranged within minutes so I call the mum. She’s very relieved.

Last week I’d dropped off some essential food items for her. It was good to see her in person. On the phone we chat about healthy and inexpensive meals she can cook and I promise to email her some easy-to-follow recipes.


I love children and during home visits I enjoy reading and singing to them. It also gives me an opportunity to share with mums some play ideas they may not have thought of. Some of the families I support don’t have many possessions, so I often bring some preloved toys with me. I always find jigsaws and books go down well.

This morning I spend a bit of time on my computer finding free kids activities and crafts to share with the mums. It can be hard to think of ways to keep kids entertained so hopefully these ideas will help.


My day starts with a lovely Zoom coffee morning with some of my fellow Home-Start volunteers. It feels nice to do something social. We talk about things we are concerned about and share ideas. I feel so privileged to be part of such a lovely group. All of us volunteers receive great support from our supervisors.

I spend the rest of the day sewing and finish mending a little girl’s favourite blanket. I turned the holes into a flower design with little ribbons. She loved it! 

Just as I put down the needle I get a text from a mum I supported five years ago. We’ve since become friends and she regularly messages me. She was actually the first mum I supported following the volunteer training course. I remember how nervous I felt when we first met, but I also felt very prepared. The training course all volunteers complete was fantastic. After we were matched we had an initial meeting so mum could decide if she wanted me  to be her volunteer. I’m absolutely delighted that she did.


My husband and I go out for a walk. It’s a bright sunny day and it feels good to get out of the house. On our walk I post a birthday card to one of the mums I support.

Once I get home I pick up a message from a neighbour who was giving away DVDs. I had asked her if I could sell them to raise money for Home-Start, so she was calling to say she’d leave them at the bottom of our drive. I’ve seen the huge difference Home-Start makes to families’ lives so I do whatever I can to support the charity. Before the first lockdown I did a bucket collection at my local supermarket. It was so much fun and people were so interested in Home-Start.

In the afternoon I completed my diary sheet and emailed it to my supervisor, recording all my calls and contact with families. Generally you’d contact a family once a week, but it really does depend on the family and their circumstances.


My son sends me a video of my grandchildren. I miss seeing them in person so much. I’m dying to give them a hug. It also reminds me of the importance of family, and of having a strong support network.

This past year we’ve all been dealing with reduced social contact and uncertainty, yet it’s the most vulnerable families who are most affected. That’s why I’m determined to do whatever I can as a Home-Start volunteer to provide reassurance, comfort and social contact to families during the pandemic and beyond."

Every day our amazing volunteers are working with families to ensure no family is left behind. If you would like to find more out about volunteering for Home-Start please visit

Read Family Matters: Lives touched by 'Give a Little Love'

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