Sheena Bolland Sheena Bolland has extensive experience working in both the voluntary and statutory sectors, specialising in working with children and families, from being a practitioner to becoming a senior manager. Having worked alongside Home-Start for many years, Sheena was delighted to take up the post of a trustee of Home-Start Medway when the opportunity arose approximately 15 years ago. For the last six years, Sheena has served as chair. During this time, Home-Start Medway has been successful in securing funding by expanding and diversifying service delivery. As a member of the Home-Start UK board, Sheena brings a wealth of direct experience and understanding of the challenges faced by the voluntary sector in the current climate. Sheena is currently also a trustee at Holding On Letting Go – a charity working with bereaved children. She is also a governor for the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust and a governor at a Special Education Unit for pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs. Manage Cookie Preferences