74 year old’s inspiring climb raises money for Home-Start Denbighshire On Saturday 27 June a group of seven supporters of Home-Start Denbighshire, as well as a dog and their mascot, did a sponsored climb up Mount Snowdon. The scaled the highest point in England and Wales to raise money to support the charity’s life-changing work. The team from north Wales included Freda Roberts, a Home-Start volunteer, who completed the trek at the age of 74. Freda at the top of SnowdonAcross the UK supporters of Home-Start UK, and local Home-Starts, are dedicating time and effort to raise money to transform the lives of families and children. If you want to find out how you can get involved and to do your own fundraising, click here. Marc Kendrick, from Home-Start Denbighshire, said “We started our walk at 10.15am on what was looking like a sunny day. An hour into the journey this soon changed as the mist descended and we all became colder and wetter with every step we took. We finally reached the summit as a team at around 2.00pm, but we let Freda reach the peak first. As she stood at the top of the mountain Freda decided to remove all her warm jumpers and fleeces to proudly show off the Home-Start T-shirt she was wearing.” As they met their colleagues who were welcoming them off the mountain, they were told that other walkers said how amazed they were to see Freda at the top of the mountain proudly showing off her Home-Start T-shirt. Freda quoteSo far, the team has raised £400 to support their work and are still collecting and hope to raise a lot more. Marc added, “Freda has been a volunteer with Home-Start Denbighshire for the last seven years and did her preparation course with her husband Trevor. When I first met them they were volunteering together and the family they supported were so full of praise for the pair of them. Sadly Trevor passed away in 2013 and has been missed by all who knew him. Freda carried on volunteering and always brings a smile to every room she enters.” After her successful walk Freda said, “It was the hardest day’s work I have done in a long time but it was worth every step to help Home-Start and the families we support”. We congratulate all seven members of the Home-Start Denbighshire team who completed the walk. If you have been inspired to do your own fundraising challenge, our fundraising guide has lots of tips and advice to get you started. Manage Cookie Preferences