Home-Start launches Power of Little Moments To help mark our 50th anniversary and on International Day of Families Home-Start is launching a new campaign The Power of Little Moments. The Power of Little Moments focuses on the thousands of little moments that have had an impact on the lives of children over the last 50 years. Moments that have been shared by parents and children have been captured to demonstrate the importance of the charity’s work. Throughout 2023 the campaign will shows the lifelong impact that the support of a Home-Start volunteer makes to a family. The aim of the campaign is to make sure that Home-Start can be there for families, creating those moments, for the next 50 years. “When my beautiful boy died it was totally unexpected. It felt impossible…the death of my child at the same time as having a newborn baby...I felt lost. Our walks in the park with my lovely Home-Start volunteer gave me the space to work through what I had lost. With each walk, each cup of coffee, each chat I felt more and more at peace. It’s those little moments that really mattered” If you’re struggling, feeling isolated and overwhelmed, it’s hard to be the parent you want to be, and that makes it even worse. Home-Start volunteers are always there, by a families side with those important little moments of friendship, advice and practical help. We give parents the support they need to give their child a better future. We are ordinary people helping ordinary families deal with whatever comes along in the moment. Over the past 50 years Home-Start has supported 1.5 million children and 700,000 families. And since the first volunteers began supporting families in Leicester, Home-Start volunteers have given 15 million hours. To help make sure that we are able to support families for the next 50 years, you can support Home-Start by making a donation here. Because childhood can't wait. Donate now. If you can help create the moments that will make a lifetime's difference, find out more about becoming a volunteer here. Become a volunteer. Manage Cookie Preferences