Mobilising colleagues, customers, family and friends can be a brilliant way for businesses to connect, enjoy some friendly competition and make a huge difference to Home-Start, as Equal Experts found out. 

The global software consulting firm asked colleagues, customers, friends and family around the world to walk as much as possible during May, to raise money a number of good causes, including Home-Start, thanks to our long-term partnership with The John Lewis Partnership. This is a great example of a corporate event that is not only great for team building, but also raises much needed funds for charities.

In teams dotted around the globe, over 800 people took part in Equal Experts Walkathon, completing the equivalent of four laps around the world and raising £122,410 to be split among the charities, leaving Home-Start with over £11,000. People were able to select the cause they wanted to donate to from Equal Experts charity list. 

We are especially proud of our friends at John Lewis & Partners and Waitrose, whose team won the Equal Experts Walkathon 2022 by averaging 30,096 steps per day throughout the entire month.

Yvie Pickup, Corporate Partnerships Manager at Home-Start UK said: “As a family support charity it’s so lovely to see a business bring together their own family and friends to fundraise. This is a great example of how businesses can put team building at the heart of their fundraising. This money will make a huge difference to families struggling with a range of issues from bereavement to financial insecurity. We are hugely grateful for this support during a time when families need us more than ever. Thanks to their efforts, and to all our supporters, we are able to be there for families and help them through their tough times.”

If you would like to chat about ideas on what your company could do please contact Yvie Pickup.


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