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The earliest years make the biggest difference. Home-Start makes sure those years count, so that no child's future is limited. And you can help us do that.
The need for our work is acute and growing. Children whose parents are struggling to cope can miss out on the routine and support that are vital for their future.
By supporting Home-Start, you are helping us change the lives of children across the UK. There are many ways for you to get involved, whether it’s making a donation, asking your friends and family to sponsor you in a challenge, getting your business involved or run your own event.
It’s the power of little moments that make the biggest difference. By making a donation today, you will give a child in crisis a magical little moment. Read more
By making a gift to Home-Start UK in your Will, you can help ensure the future generations of children get the vital support they need at a crucial time, to set their lives on the right track. Read more
A child’s earliest years are the most important. Home-Start wants to make sure those years count. Can you help us? Read more