Jess was struggling with ADHD and depression when she fell pregnant at 17. With her confidence at an all-time low, she was finding life overwhelming, until she was offered help from Home-Start. Jess's story was featured in the last edition of Family Matters.

Now, Jess returns to welcome you to the Summer Edition of Family Matters and gives an update on life after Home-Start support:

"I was in the last edition of this magazine, sharing my story of how much  Home-Start Winchester supported me. How Home-Start helped me when I first became a mum at 17, and gave me the confidence to not only be a great mum, but also to become a mechanic and set up my own business.

"It was lovely to see my article in Family Matters. I actually framed it and put it on my wall. It’s such a lovely reminder of how far we have come. My daughter was so excited about it and shows everyone who comes in the house".

Featured on breakfast TV

"Since I was in the magazine so much has happened. I was in the local Hampshire Chronicle and my volunteer Kay and I were featured on Good Morning Britain, as part of its 1 Million Minutes national volunteer recruitment campaign. It was nerve wracking but I’m so proud I did it.

"When we filmed, I didn’t get to hear what Kay said about me. It was only when it was on TV at breakfast time I heard all the lovely things Kay said. It was so heartwarming. I was delighted we could do something like this together. A family member I hadn’t been in touch with for a long time saw the broadcast. She contacted me and we’ve since reconnected".

Becoming a volunteer and inspiring others

"Every Thursday I volunteer at the weekly group for young mums. The other day a mum said she’d read the story about me in Family Matters and that she too wanted to be a mechanic. She asked for my advice, I was so touched. Others ask for my suggestions on sleep or weaning. No way would I have ever imagined being able to give advice a year ago. The mums and volunteers talk to me about the things I’ve done to raise awareness of Home-Start. They say that I’m an inspiration. It makes me feel so good.

"Volunteering has given me so much joy. I’m also still working on cars. I work for a garage part time while I’m building up my own  business. I’m actually making a profit from my business already so I’m feeling really positive about it.

"It’s hard to fully explain how Home-Start has helped me. I’d never imagined I’d be in the position I am now. I feel so confident, capable and happy.

"Thank you for supporting this amazing charity".


Read next: Nneka's story - I flatlined whilst giving birth

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