By raising funds for Home-Start’s vital work you will help us to reach thousands of struggling families and give their children the best possible start in life.  You can find out more about our impact here.

How We Work

Home-Start is made up of Home-Start UK and a network of 269 local Home-Starts.  Each one is an independent Home-Start charity; rooted in the communities they serve, working to help vulnerable children and their parents through difficult times. They are managed locally and supported by the national organisation, Home-Start UK. Each local Home-Start scheme raises money independently to continue supporting local families facing crisis. You need to decide where you want your money to be used: byHome-Start UK (national) or your local Home-Start.  See below for details on how to choose and send any money in.

If you’re raising money to help Home-Start UK support unique and fragile children right across the UK:

Thank you.  By raising funds for Home-Start UK you’ll be helping us set up new Home-Starts in communities where there is no support for children and their parents, and to provide crucial daily support and resources for every local Home-Start in the UK.

If you’re raising money to support a local Home-Start:

Thank you.  By raising money for your local Home-Start you’ll be helping us train volunteers and run services to support children and their families near you.

Find details for your local Home-Start here.

If there is no Home-Start close to you, please choose Home-Start UK or another local Home-Start. 

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