Since the start of the #GiveALittleLove campaign, 138 Home-Starts have received over £100,000 between then to deliver extra support to families this year.

35% of Home-Starts said they would be offering Christmas treats or activities, including presents from Father Christmas or online pantomimes to be enjoyed at home. A further 22% will be sending out essential food parcels for those on low incomes so that no one will be hungry this Christmas.

Due to lockdown, staying in contact with family and friends has been difficult for families up and down the UK. Home-Start Dundee has been able to provide families with phone data/minutes so they can speak and see family and friends this Christmas.

“They will still have the opportunity to spend quality time together, whilst apart, to make precious memories with loved ones” Home-Start Dundee

Having a volunteer to talk through difficult situations has been a lifeline for many of the families we support. Volunteers at Home-Start South East Dorset have begun ‘Wellness Walks’ as a way for families to get outside and talk to another person as a way to combat isolation and improve their mental health. These families are also set to receive a Christmas gift and some festive chocolate, too! Both Home-Start High Peak and Home-Start Bradford are also ensuring isolated families are not forgotten about this Christmas. By sending ‘Family Wobble Boxes’ to families. These boxes full of information about specialised support services, activity sheets and treats for the whole family as well as Home-Start staff hand-delivering hampers to families in the run-up to Christmas ensuring they’re not alone.

“[The hampers] will allow us to give additional focused support to every family we support, as well as a Christmas treat.” Home-Start Bradford

One of the families who received a ‘Family Wobble Box’ from Home-Start High Peak was the Kerman’s. Dad Sam shared how the delivery made the family feel loved.

“Financially, mentally and emotionally we’ve struggled. Seeing Heather from Home-Start High Peak at our door with a Family Wobble Box meant so much. Leon’s face lit up when he saw it. He carried it into the living room and carefully inspected everything inside. A package like this makes us feel very loved and cared for. We’re very grateful to the John Lewis Partnership for making this happen,” said Sam.