Home-Start helps Armed Forces families with young children particularly at times of heightened anxieties. These might include key transition points of rebasing, deployment and transition. Volunteers support families who are facing a range of challenges including isolation, as they move away from their existing support networks of families and friends. Some local Home-Starts offer groups where parents and children can meet together.

Home-Start provides confidential independent family support

A service for all families including those within the Armed Forces -- because childhood can’t wait…

What can you expect from Home-Start?

There are hundreds of reasons why families find life difficult. Last year, local Home-Start volunteers helped more than 600 armed forces families just like yours in the UK and Cyprus.

Find out if Home-Start is in your area, please telephone our team: 0116 464 5450

Here are some of the ways we help (names have been changed):


"My volunteer was an absolute godsend to me and my young children when my husband was away serving in Afghanistan.  I had suffered with back problems for many years and my long-awaited hospital appointment came whilst he was away on duty. Without the help of Home-Start I would have had to cancel the operation. 

"My volunteer helped me with the household chores whilst I recovered from my surgery and did my weekly food shop for a number of weeks.  She also took my younger children out to the park and played with them so that I could rest and recover from the surgery which was successful. Once I was on the road to recovery she accompanied me to the Home-Start Scheme where I was able to meet other families with small children make new friends and get back on my feet."


"My volunteer from Home-Start is fantastic.  She understands what it’s like being in the forces as she was an army wife herself and really gets how I feel when my husband is off on exercise or working strange hours.  I have really clicked with her and my children love seeing her each week.  It is hard for me because I am an RAF wife on an Army base and feel quite isolated as there aren’t many RAF wives on here.  She was great when my son was poorly and phoned me regularly.  She was like a mum to me which also really helps as my mum is not around."


"My volunteer was there during the time I was suffering great distress [with puerpal psychosis].  My husband was due to go away for four months on active duty and the anxiety I felt at this time was often severe.

"My volunteer gave me the emotional support I needed and was a listening ear. She helped me access local support services and took us to the park in the warm weather. Arrangements were made for my husband to reduce the time he would be away from home and I was helped to get medical support for my condition.  I am now taking medication for my illness and other professional support is now in place.  All thanks to the support I had from my volunteer at a time when I really needed it."

Pictured posed by model.