
Our local Home-Starts across Scotland support over 3000 families and nearly 6000 children very year.

Our local community network of over 1000 trained volunteers work with families from before birth through to school age offering compassionate, confidential help to parents when they need us most.

Our focus is on enabling parents and carers to be the warm, consistent and nurturing adults they want to be so that their children get the best possible start in life. Starting in the home our approach is as individual as the people we are helping – on most days of the week you will find teams of great parent to parent supporters involved in activities as diverse as offering one to one support around perinatal mental health problems, increasing breastfeeding through local support groups, getting children outdoors through gardening and messy play days, tackling the attainment gap in partnership with schools, bringing lonely or isolated parents together to forge new friendships and getting dads involved in antenatal workshops.

Home-Start in Scotland brings the Getting It Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) approach to life by bringing family support to the parents and carers who need it most because childhood can’t wait.

How can I become a charity trustee?

Home-Start staff and volunteers make life better for nearly 7,000 children every year in Scotland by helping their families give them the best possible start in life.

None of this is possible without our trustees – thoughtful and skilled professionals who are prepared to share and develop their leadership skills and business expertise by becoming charity trustees.

What skills do I need to be a trustee?

Home-Start UK Scotland asked local Home-Start boards about the impact they have on families across Scotland through their roles, and the unexpected benefits to volunteering their time and skills to a board.

The answers were surprising: all of our trustees feel they’ve gained more than they’ve given by working with Home-Start. What skills do you think you could develop as a trustee?

Find out more about becoming a trustee

If you want to become a trustee for a local Home-Start find their details.

Find out more about becoming a trustee.